PTSO Fun Afternoons
fun afternoon banner image
Fun Afternoon F.A.Qs
Fun Afternoons/Nights at Mount Nittany are a middle school tradition that provides our students with a safe and enjoyable social activity.
Volunteering for just one of these events is a great way to commit a small amount of time to be involved with your child's school and get a little glimpse into their world. We understand that kids this age often prefer to not have their parents around but the events aren't possible without parent help so if you can commit just one afternoon we can spread the responsibility around, and kids can enjoy some independent time and still see that you are willing to take the time to be involved.
Please sign up to volunteer for a Fun Afternoon. An online sign up will be posted once the school year begins.
Fun Afternoons are held 3 times a year, on a Friday from 3:45 - 5:00
All dates involve an
opportunity for the kids to hang out with friends, play games, talk,
play music, etc.
School personnel are on hand with a small number of
parent volunteers.
The PTSO offers snacks, pizza and drinks for
There is no charge for kids to attend the event.
Some afternoons will feature Scholastic
Book Fairs.
There will be three special school wide events featuring
Volleyball, Soccer and Dodgeball tournaments to help support the Student
No, students remain in their homerooms until 3:30 and do not ride home on the bus that day.
You must be pick up your child at the main door at the end of the event at 5:00 PM.