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Teacher/Staff Request for Announcement and/or Media Submissions


  • Announcements are pre-recorded, so last minute announcement requests may not be processed for 24 hours. 
  • If you have a last minute request that absolutely needs to be announced in the morning, consider sending an "all-mnms" email for homeroom teachers to read, as your announcement may not appear on Nittany News until the following day.
  • Media that is submitted for announcements with text to be read by students, should include an audio reading of the text. This is helpful for students who are visually impaired, those who may have trouble reading the text, and/or kids who aren't actually looking at the announcements!
  • All pictures that you would like to submit to the announcements and/or to the yearbook need to be submitted using the Google Form below. This is a change from previous years. Pictures will no longer be able to be submitted to a folder. This change was made to streamline the process - one stop shop for all!


Announcement Request and/or Picture/Media Submissions