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For security purposes, all exterior doors are locked during the school day. Visitors must report to the main building entrance, near the flagpole on the south side of the building. Visitors must activate the door buzzer at this entrance to notify office staff of their arrival. Visitors will be identified by video and/or audio means. Once the visitor is identified, office staff will electronically open the door. At this point, the visitor will be required to sign in to the building and obtain a visitor’s identification badge prior to being electronically admitted through a second set of secure doors.   If office staff is unable to identify a visitor, a school administrator will be summoned to initiate a security inquiry.  


MNMS has surveillance cameras positioned at multiple locations throughout the school building to support efforts to maintain a safe and secure school environment while protecting individuals and their property from harm. Video surveillance may be used in proceedings related to law enforcement for purposes authorized by district policy, the School Code, and related laws. Students observed by video surveillance in acts which break school district policy, procedures, or disciplinary guidelines will be subject to the consequences or sanctions imposed for violating those policies, procedures or disciplinary guidelines. Surveillance footage is for administrative use only.