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Details concerning the intramural program are being worked on at this time. When the specifics of the program have been decided, that information will be posted on this page. Thank you for your patience!

Intramural sports programs provide an opportunity for all students to participate in various after school activities (usually from 3:30-5:00) for fun and skill development. They are different from interscholastic sports, which are school-sponsored sports that require participants to have a physical to be eligible to participate, have daily practices in season, and have try-outs to determine participation. 
Intramural Signup Procedures
1. Write your name on the sign up sheet found on the bulletin board outside the cafeteria..
2. Pick up a permission form from the table located outside the cafeteria, or print one from the menu to the left.  One form is needed for each activity.
3. Have your parents complete the form and return it to the "in" box on the table outside the cafeteria doors prior to the start of the program.
4. Listen to the daily announcements for any information that pertains to your activity.
5. Attendance is not mandatory. Come whenever you can, but keep in mind you may be part of a team that needs you. Each intramural activity must have at least 15 participants to be approved to run. 
If attendance drops below 15, the activity may be discontinued.
If you have any questions that are specifically about activities offered at MNMS, please email Debbie Ritter.
If you have questions about the program, please contact Assistant Athletic Director Loren Crispell at (814) 231-1143 or
For information about Interscholastics, including information about physicals, see the School District's Athletics page.
Interscholastic sports are available to 7th and 8th graders.  There are no Interscholastic sports for 6th graders.