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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
The STEM initiative encompasses the four core disciplines listed above.These areas are "critical to the development of America's technological innovations".

The goal, increase the number of students in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics careers.

Technology Education is at the forefront of the STEM initiative. Our program covers both the T and the E.

There hasn't been this sort of push since the 1950's when the USSR launched Sputnik into space.


What does this mean for our students?

Mount Nittany Middle School STEM committee, is made up of Science, Technology Education and Mathematics Teachers. The committee focuses onmaking connections between the areas to develop curriculum strands that focus students onreal world applications for what they learn in Science, Technology Education and Mathematics.

MNMS STEM Projects:
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STEM AREA students constructing their second stage geodesic dome. 
Solar Photogram
Greywater Collection Systems

The processes used by the students in creating their first stage geodesic domes.  The domes will then be used by the Science Department as table top greenhouses.  The long-term goal of our STEM Committee/AREA is to develop and create a full size dome to be constructed and used in the courtyard as an outdoor classroom. 

Students designed and developed their egg vehicle to be launched by an eight gram CO2 cartridge.  The vehicle was designed under specific parameters and had to be launched over a ramp into a wall.  The ultimate goal was to create a safety harness of sort to protect the egg (a human body) in the event of a catastrophic crash. 
Check out the vehicles in action under the video menu. 

Josh Price - Tech Ed
Ron Shealer - Tech Ed

Doug Arnold - Tech Ed
Bryan Fatzinger - Science
Joseph Walker - Science
Laura Mullen - Math

"One thing is certain. Our competitors will not wait for us to cometo our senses - they will continue to fuel the changes in education and infrastructure required to spark innovation"

Craig Barrett
CEO, Intel Corporation

"The inadequacies of our systems of research and education pose a greater threat to U.S. National security over the next quarter century than any potential conventional war that we might imagine."

Hart - Rudman Commission on National Security